Mr. Jonathan Enders
Funeral Arrangements for the Eternal Home Going of Mr. Jonathan Enders in his 58th year are as follows:
There will be a silent memorial night at his residence in Kebah, Barnersville Township on Monday, July 19, 2021 begining at 5:00pm.
Funeral Service for the late Jonathan Enders will be held at the St. Moses Funeral Parlour on Somalia Drive on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 beginning at @8:30am. Thereafter, his remains will be escorted to Kaiser Memorial Lawn Cemetery in Brewerville City for interment.
Please note that there will be no floral design on the day of the funeral.
For further information, please contact the following numbers: 0886- 558-220, 0776-52-1902, 0777-551-880, and 0770-621-221.
This announcement was brought in by Mrs. Kabeh Fromayan-Enders, Mr. Jonathan G. Enders, Dr. Numeine E. Enders,and Angie Y. Sackie, wife, brother, son and daughter of the deceased on behalfof the family.